It is an update note that comes from Corey J. Mahler, the guy who wrote the AirPort Utility 5.6.1 Launcher.
Here's the note
"It would appear that Apple has changed something in the network stack in a recent update to Yosemite. This update has resulted in AirPort Utility v5.6.1 not being able to find some AirPort Units some of the time. While this is annoying, there is a simple fix: Connect the AirPort Unit you wish to view in AirPort Utility v5.6.1 to the Mac running the utility via a wired (i.e., Ethernet) connection. I have yet to hear of any case where this has not solved the connectivity issue."
This is the link, the note is taken from
AirPort Utility v5.6.1
Scroll down to Old Content and expand.
10 May 2015: AirPort Units Not Showing in AirPort Utility 5.6.1 under OS X 10.10 Yosemite (Likely Limited to 10.10.3 and Later)
7 commenti:
Unfortunately Corey J Mahler's site is down. I am looking for the Airport utility launcher. Would it possible for you to upload it somewhere? I would really appreciate it!
Many thanks!
Write me at ar(dot)wwallace(at)inwind(dot)it within tomorrow otherwise you should wait the end of August
I'll send you the file via e-mail. It's only 563KB.
Hi, how are you? I wanted to check something with you. I've done everything that you recommend on installing AirUt 5.6.1 on OSx El Capitan, and I've been able to open up the App perfectly well, but my Apple Time Capsule 802.11n is still unrecognized by the Utility. Have you got any clue on how to make it work? I really need to make use of it. I've bought a new Mac, and I need to make a backup of my old one, which I've already sold. So I'm kind of desperate here. I'd really appreciate it if you had any advice on how to make it work. Thanks!
I updated, once again, the link to Corey J. Mahler's site. I did it for this and the very first post on the subject here
@Segundo Gelos
According to this Apple support page
your AirPort Time Capsule 802.11n can be configured with the latest version of AirPort Utility, also included with El Capitan.
Hi WW. I've checked the link, but the Apple Support Page doesn't actually provide something to Download for my Time Capsule (the firmware that I need would be Version 7.6.7 (according to the page). If you don't mind me asking, what do you mean I can configure my 802.11n with the Latest AirPort Utility included en EL Capitan? I've tried to do so, but I can't. I've connected my Ethernet to my Mac, but my Airport Utility, neither the 5.6.1 nor the latest included in my new Mac seem to recognize the Time Capsule. I've tried to do it wirelessly, but it doesn't work either. If you have other tips on how to procede, that'd be great. Thanks by the way, for taking the time
Yes, you are right. Usually AirPort firmware updates are managed by the AirPort Utility application itself.
What I meant was that, according to that document, you don't need AirPort Utility 5.6.1 to setup and manage your TimeCapsule, but you can use the latest AirPort Utility, at the moment v.6.3.6, as part of the El Capitan OS.
What I can suggest is try resetting to factory default TimeCapsule and start over with AirPort Utility.
If that does not work either, please post your request on Apple Support Discussion Forum
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